The Blue Gnome

This site is a mixture of websites that I have made. I placed or linked to my websites to have a centralized place to view them. I will be adding new websites everyonce in a while and I will be changing this site around as well.

I recently made the website responsive to mobile devices. On a mobile device the navbar will collapse to the little hamburger symbol.

Morgan County Murders

I made this website because a friend doesn't like to stay in haunted places. This is a fictional story. These murders never happened. We rented a cabin in Morgan county for the weekend and in the cabin was a small book that other guest had left with little notes inside. Some said they enjoyed their stay others wrote about hearing foot steps at night while sleeping.

There were kids toys in one of the upstairs closets and several doors that were locked and off limits. I decided to build a small static website with an article detailing a murder that happened at this residence. I placed the initial website on a host site I was using for a class project so my name was in the url. I was afraid my friends would notice my name so I created a short url for the site and sent it to everyone in a text message so it would be harder to see.

The orginal website didn't have a suspect. Once we were back home I added another friends picture as a suspect. What I didn't know was the so called suspects wife was at home showing their girls the article. While they were looking at the site I had added an update with a suspects picture.

The girls were like mom this guys looks like dad. One of the girls looked up the website on their computer and noticed my name in the url. I got a text message within seconds of posting the update asking if I made everything up. I had to confess I made everything up.

It took me about two hours to make and post this website.


I am an amateur photographer and was looking for a place to show off my pictures. I have an instagram account but I wanted a website to show off my pictures. I found a Wordpress template I liked and decided to use it instead of starting from scratch.